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Don Troiani

Civil War Consignment Prints

Bayonet ~ $550

20th Maine charges the Confederates on Little Round Top on
2 July 1863 with Joshua Chamberlain leading the action.

Print Number:  36/1000 - Issue Date: 1988

Burnside's Bridge ~ $400

Battle of Antietam, 17 September 1862. On the southern part of the battlefield,
General Burnside tries for hours to gain the stone bridge that would bear his
name to prevent General Robert E. Lee from shifting his forces from one sector
of the front to the other.

Print Number:  548/1500 - Issue Date: 1995

Decision At Dawn ~ $575

General Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg on 2 July 1863 agonizing over his decision
as to how to proceed the next day when he would order Pickett’s Division to charge
the center of the Union line on Cemetery Ridge.

Print Number:  754/1000 - Issue Date:  1992

Emblems of Valor ~ $425

The most precious item of each soldier was his unit’s standard. The practice of
adding battles and campaigns to the battle flag started with the 11th Mississippi
Regimental flag, which was presented with the battle MANASSAS inscribed for
their stand on 21 July 1861. From then on other regimental standards began to
bear the names of battles the unit had participated in to the end of the war. This
began a time-honoredtradition – today in the form of streamers attached to the
pole top of the regimental standards.

Print Number:  660/1000 - Issue Date: 1989

The Forlorn Hope ~ $500

1st Maine Heavy Artillery, Battle of Petersburg, 18 June 1864. Ordered to charge
the Confederate defenses around the strategically important city of Petersburg,
this unit had the highest record for casualties in a single battle of any regiment
in the war. Out of 900 men who started the attack, 240 were dead or dying and 364
lay wounded.

Print Number: 657/1000 - Issue Date: 1989

General Robert E. Lee ~ $300

A Confederate band plays for General Robert E. Lee and his
staff as they ride through a town.

The High Water Mark ~ $1,350

Print similar to Give Them Cold Steel, Boys but from a different angle showing
General Armistead leading Pickett’s Charge up and onto Cemetery Ridge before
being mortally wounded…Battle of Gettysburg, 3 July 1863.

Print Number: 639/1250 - Issue Date:  1994Print Number : 636/950 - Issue Date: 1988

The High Water Mark ~ $1,350

Print similar to Give Them Cold Steel, Boys but from a different angle showing
General Armistead leading Pickett’s Charge up and onto Cemetery Ridge before
being mortally wounded…Battle of Gettysburg, 3 July 1863.

Print Number: 639/1250 - Issue Date:  1994

Little Round Top ~ $275

Battle of Gettysburg, 2 July 1863, the 5th Texas at the Little Round Top battling the
20th Maine before Chamberlain led the charge down the hill.

Print Number: 936/1500 - Issue Date: 1997

Major General J.E.B. Stuart ~ $1200

The famous Confederate cavalry leader during one of his many actions during a
thunderstorm. One of the best prints done of this famous Southern cavalier.

Print Number:  745/850 - Issue Date: 1984

The Men Must See Us Today ~ $750

This is the first of Don Troiani’s Gettysburg trilogy depicting events on 2 July 1863.
This shows Union Colonel Van Horne Ellis, commanding officer of the 124th New York
Infantry repelling the attack of the Confederate 1st Texas at the Devil’s Den. At a
particular time, Ellis,Major James Cromwell and many of the “Orange Blossoms”
will be killed in a counter-attack to dislodge the Texans.

Print Number:   376/950 - Issue Date:  198

Stars & Bars ~ $650

The First National Flag of the Confederate States of America replaced
after the First Battle of Manassas with the “Stainless Banner”.

Print Number:  43/950 - Issue Date: 1987

For more information about these autographs, please send your
questions and email address and we will forward on to the owners
of the respective pieces.

*Assonet Art is not responsible for any lost or damaged pieces sold through this consignment page

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